

You can always return your order within 30 days after delivery. Returns are only accepted when the product packaging is undamaged, and the product is unworn, unwashed, undamaged and with original labels attached. When you like to exchange an item please return the item you want to change and buy a new one in the webshop. 

Return instructions

If you wish to return anything, please notify us via and we will provide you with return instructions. The shipping costs for returned products are on your account. After receiving and checking the returned goods we will refund the purchase price as soon as possible and usually within 14 days after receiving the returns.

Shipping costs returns

The shipping costs for returned products are on your account. We offer 'free shipping' for purchases above a certain threshold (which varies per country). If the total order size is lower than the threshold after returning a part of your order, this discount on shipping costs will expire and the shipping costs due will be deducted from the refund.